

“I know that the mujahedin were a problem for Hadzihasanovic and later for Mehmed Alagic," says former member of the ECMM, Sir Martin Garrod, who “failed to see at all why those foreigners had been allowed to enter BH."

Martin Garrod, witness at the Mladen Naletili Martin Garrod, witness at the Mladen Naletili "Tuta" i Vinko Martinovic "Stela" trial

Sir Martin Garrod, former member of the EC Monitoring Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thinks that the BH Army 3rd Corps "did not fully control all the mujahedin" fighting in Central Bosnia.

Appearing as a prosecution witness at the trial of the former 3rd Corps commander, Enver Hadzihasanovic, and former commander of the 7th Muslim Brigade, Amir Kubura - both charged with crimes committed by the mujahedin - Garrod stated in his examination-in-chief in early April that Hadzihasanovic "did not like the mujahedin." But the witness also stated that it seemed to him the foreign nationals had been under the control of the 3rd Corps.

In cross-examination today, defense counsel Stephane Bourgon presented Garrod with evidence about Hadzihasanovic's communication with his superior command in which he requested that the status of the mujahedin be resolved. Garrod said that he found the evidence "very fascinating." He continued, "They confirm my opinion that Hadzihanovic was suspicious about the mujahedin and that he wanted to solve the problem."

Bourgon reminded Garrod of one of his talks with Hadzihasanovic in the course of the war, in which the 3rd Corps commander said that there were several kinds of mujahedin, some of who are ordinary criminals sought by the police in their countries. As the defense stated, Hadzihasanovic then said that he did not have any problems with the soldiers, but with the armed men who are not part of the BH Army structure. The witness confirmed the conversation. "They [3rd Corps commanders] said that some foreigners fought well, but that there are others they would gladly expel from their area."

“I know that the mujahedin were a problem for Hadzihasanovic and later for Mehmed Alagic. I know that they wanted to solve it," Garrod said, adding that he "failed to see at all why those foreigners had been allowed to enter BH."
